[Crafty Monday] Wedding Flowers

My brother-in-law is getting married in 5 weeks, so I’ve been thinking about weddings and such. Plus, you guys really seem to like the wedding and party favor posts (here and here) on this blog, which consistently get a lot of views each week.

So you know what? I like you. Here are some more wedding party ideas, of the flower variety, for you.


I saw this tiny paper flower idea from Zakka Life on iDIY. Pretty and cheap. Score! You can find the tutorial here. And check out the tutorial for the centerpiece (below). Gorgeous.

Have I mentioned that I think  “I DO- it yourself” is a pretty clever name for a wedding site? Thumbs up.


The tiny flower idea reminded me that I bookmarked these paper flowers by truLuxe on Etsy awhile back. I love this photo, don’t you? I love the combination of the flowers with the silver vases.

truLuxe Paper Flowers

Turns out that there are dozens of Etsy shops selling flowers like these in a huge array of colors (search for “party poms” and enjoy the insanely cheerful results). I am definitely buying some for the girls’ birthday parties this year.

While I was looking at the party poms, I couldn’t help but notice these sweet cupcake toppers (which you could also use as table decorations) by Millalove, who has a whole shop full of really terrific paper flowers and cupcake toppers.

Millalove Cupcake Flowers

I also found this beautifully simple paper roses tutorial by Dozi Design, (which Creature Comforts laid out in this easy to follow grid for you).

Dozi Design Paper Rose tutorial

And lastly, this is another really pretty (and double-sided) flower garland by Panda with Cookie (check out her hilarious logo) that you could buy or try to make yourself.

Yellow Paper Flower garland

Garlands are a good, easy and cheap way to decorate for a party. All you need is a ton of ribbon, some pretty paper (or cardstock or fabric), scissors and a hole punch.

Flowers make me cheerful. I had fun finding all of these pictures.

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Christy said,

    believe it or not, my fave craft projects growing up were paper flowers! I tutorial round up!

  2. 2

    Laney Landry said,

    These are great. Will attempt making some. If they turn out, I’ll be thrilled. Can’t kill these.

  3. 3

    Michelle said,

    Thank you so much! I am looking for decor for my causal wedding reception in 5 weeks and I need something cute and cheap. It’s five a.m. and I’m up panicking about my centerpieces. Now I can sleep soundly and head to the paper store tomorrow er later today.

  4. 4

    Terri said,

    OMG!!!!!!!! Please tell me where you got your silver vases in the picture with the party pom flowers. I’ve been looking everywhere for vases like these. I hope they are inexpensive!!

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