Charley Harper

You know how sometimes you learn about something, or you see a name of someone, and suddenly it starts popping up everywhere? I saw this Todd Oldham book on Charley Harper – I can’t even remember where I saw it, but it’s a huge book – and I thought, “The Philadelphia Zoo has some vintage Zoo posters in their offices that look like these illustrations.” (I don’t know if he did those posters or not, but I have always thought that the Zoo should reissue them; they are beautiful).

So then I saw a Charley Harper book at Anthropologie this weekend, and I saw yet another (different) Charley Harper book at a toy store.  And then I decided to look him up on Wikipedia and realized that my friend Michelle, who lives in Harper’s native city of Cincinnati, has at least two of his prints that I have always liked: one of a cardinal, one of a raccoon.

Funny how things are like that sometimes.

12/21/08 Update:  Charley Harper at Old Navy too, apparently.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    […] two, and Eleanor states she draws inspiration from Harper. I recently noticed how this style is everywhere now. The style of simplistic shapes and retro fitted colors seems to be on everything.  Todd Oldham […]

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